Looking for a creative way to address folding skills? This is your answer! The benefits of bending and creasing paper while producing a simple project include:
Graded movement of the hands
Bilateral integration of both hands
Integration of visual information with purposeful hand movement
Includes 8 Versions: Giraffe, Longhorn, Skunk, Bear, Lion, Goat, Horse and Rhinoceros. Print on cardstock or heavy paper. Cut around animal on black outside lines. Fold on the dotted lines.
Color a princess and crown. Cut out and then fold crown on the dotted lines down behind crown. Glue onto princess head where the “x†marks are and attach her crown!
Print out and Color Volcano and dinosaur worksheets. Follow the instructions to assemble your volcano. Glue volcano onto the dinosaur scene as indicated to complete your 3-D picture!
Fold the paper in half down the middle black dotted line. Cut on the black solid lines. Open the paper to reveal the beach design. Draw in the other side.
3 Versions Included: Sun, Bathing Suit, Umbrella.
Color a prince and crown. Cut out and then fold crown on the dotted lines down behind crown. Glue onto prince head where the “x†marks are and attach his crown!
Fold the paper in half down the middle black line. Cut on the black lines. Open the paper to reveal the Halloween Sugar Skull design. Copy the design and draw the other side of the Sugar Skull.
Includes 7 Versions! Fold the paper in half down the middle dotted line. Cut on the black outer lines. Open the paper to reveal the Spring design. Includes: Frog, Bird house, Tulip, Flower, Chick, Lady bug, and Butterfly.
Includes Step-By-Step Directions, Ingredient/Tool List, and templates to make a fun spiky hedgehog!
Tools to Grow, Inc. is a place to share ideas and inspire others with engaging print and go resources, interactive digital teletherapy technology activities, handouts, worksheets, activities, games, and educational material.