Fine Motor Potato Turkey
Are you looking for a fun way to introduce your young child to the Thanksgiving holiday? How about making a Turkey craft using a potato and other simple to find materials. This Thanksgiving craft develops fine motor and many other important developmental skills.
Fine Motor Skills involve the use of precise and coordinated movements of the fingers to perform hand use tasks. Fine motor skills are necessary for completing daily tasks such as dressing (using buttons/zippers), feeding (using mealtime utensils), being a student (using a pencil, keyboard, or scissors), and leisure/play activities (drawing, playing musical instruments, sports).
Bilateral Coordination is the ability to use both sides of the body at the same time. This includes using both sides at the same time for the same action, such as using a rolling pin. It also includes using the same action at alternate times, such as during walking. Finally, it includes the ability to use different sides of the body for dissimilar movements such as holding the paper down when writing. In this craft, this involves holding the pipe cleaner while threading the bead.
Not only does this Potato Turkey provide an excellent fine motor and bilateral coordination task, the other benefits include:
- Following verbal directions
- Tool use- Pipe Cleaner, Scissors
- Hand strengthening
- Eye-Hand Coordination
- Praxis
Materials Needed:
- Potato
- Pipe cleaners
- Beads
- Googly eyes
- Glue
Steps to Assemble:
1. Feathers: Thread beads on a pipe cleaner. If working on sequencing colors, you can present certain colors, or have the child chose his/her own pattern.Once the beads are threaded onto the pipe cleaner, twist the pipe cleaner to attach the ends together, forming the feather shape and push into the potato. Repeat this for a total of three "feathers".
2. Feet: Thread two orange beads on a pipe cleaner and twist together. Push into bottom of potato to form a foot. Repeat for the other foot.
3. Beak: Fold a 1 inch orange pipe cleaner in half to form a point. Push ends into potato.
4. Eyes: Add 2 googly eyes with glue.
Let’s enjoy the pleasure of some Thanksgiving fun while giving our children the Tools to Grow!
You can find our Thanksgiving resources here: Thanksgiving Resources
Related Topics: Fall/Autumn , Fine Motor Skills, Hand-Eye Coordination, Thanksgiving , Visual Motor Integration